Rhode Island DUI Penalties

A Rhode Island man has been sentenced to two years in prison and two years probation after a being arrested for drunk driving four times within a 48-hour timeframe last September.

John Lourenco of Cumberland, Rhode Island, went on a bit of a binger this past September starting on the 14th when he hit an SUV in Providence while under the influence. Then around 7am the following morning, he again hit another car in Cumberland where police reports said his blood alcohol level was well over the legal limit. Four hours later, he was stopped for erratic driving and then again around 5pm when he crashed a dump truck into a tree.

Lourenco has expressed nothing but his most sincere apologies to all those involved.

“I’d like to offer my deepest apology to the family and lives that I affected on September 14 and 15 when I relapsed and went into a blackout for 30 hours. I thank the Lord nobody got hurt.”
– John Lourenco

As part of his sentencing, Lourenco’s license is to be revoked for eight years following his release, pay a $3,400 fine and undergo alcohol counseling.

Fight Repeat Rhode Island DUI Charges

All Rhode Island DUI charges put you in a bit of a sticky position. However, it is possible to fight DUI charges – even cases involving repeat offenses. In these cases, penalties can be quite severe and involve jail time. A second offense can land you in jail for up to a year, while a third offense has the potential to keep you there for five.

Repeat Rhode Island DUI cases are further complicated by increased penalties in refusing to take field sobriety tests. Refusing to take sobriety tests for a third time is penalized with a 2-5 year license suspension, 100 hours community service, $1,000 fine and possibly jail.


Don’t fall victim to these harsh charges. Rhode Island DUI Attorney Chad Bank has made a career focusing on DUI cases from the simple to the astronomical. If you or a loved one has been convicted of a DUI in the state of Rhode Island, call Chad Bank today and plead your case.