Rhode Island Prostitution Defense Attorney

Rhode Island Prostitution Defense Attorney Chad Bank Prostitution is defined as the exchange or arrangement to engage in sexual conduct for money or compensation. Prostitution includes selling sexual services, soliciting a prostitute pimping or running a brothel. For nearly 30 years prostitution remained legal in the state of Rhode Island due to a loophole that outlawed street solicitation and brothels but failed to identify and address the act committed while indoors. In 2009 a new law was enacted that criminalized prostitution regardless of setting. As a result of the changes under Rhode Island law, it is imperative that you contact Rhode Island Prostitution Defense Attorney Bank immediately after being charged 11-34.1-2 Prostitution (a) A person is guilty of prostitution when such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. Any person found guilty under this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Prostitution Laws of Rhode Island
Other criminal offenses related to Prostitution:
  • Loitering for Prostitution
  • Soliciting from Motor Vehicles for Indecent Purposes
  • Pandering or Permitting Prostitution

Rhode Island Penalties for Prostitution

Each subsequent offense carries individual penalties such as fees and terms of imprisonment. Pandering or permitting prostitution can be is punishable by a minimum imprisonment of one year and a fee no less than 2000 dollars. Soliciting from motor vehicles for indecent purposes carry a fine of no less than 500 and up to six months of incarceration.

Rhode Island Penalties for Solicitation

A mandatory HIV test is given to anyone convicted of any prostitution related offense. Anyone convicted and sentenced to jail may be subject to testing and treatment for other sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment is mandatory and refusal to comply is punishable by additional jail time and a fine of up to 250. Solicitation offenses should be represented by an experienced RI criminal defense lawyer. Rhode Island Prostitution Defense Attorney Chad Bank is well versed in the area of prostitution offenses. Attorney Bank is available for consultations 24 7 for your convenience. If you or someone you know has been charged contact The Law Office of Chad Bank at 401-573-2265 immediately