Probation Violation Attorney

Probation Violation is defined as any instance where a condition of probation has been broken. Probation sentences have general and specific terms of condition attached. The overall mission of probation is to keep the peace and encourage good behavior. When charged with a violation of probation the terms of the former probation can be seriously intensified and even lead to incarceration. While the conditions of probation are less severe than those of parole the terms of probation can have a huge impact on your life. If charged you should call Probation Violation Attorney Bank today.

Rhode Island Probation Violation

Probation Violation can occur for various factors. These violations can greatly impact your future and the need for experienced legal representation is vital. The primary cause is that you have violated the terms and conditions of your probation in some way. Probation conditions require individuals  to be placed under certain levels of supervision. Probationers are required to follow both the general and specific conditions ordered by the courts. Once your probation officer is notified of the violation you will be surrendered to the court and assigned a hearing for your defense. Call Rhode Island Probation Violation Attorney Chad F Bank today at 401-573-2265

RI Criminal Defense Lawyer - Probation Violation Attorney

Types of Probation Violation in RI include:

  1. Committing another crime
  2. Failure to notify Probation officer of address changes
  3. Failure to appear for drug testing
  4. Violation of probation guidelines

If you or a loved one has been accused of a violation probation in Rhode Island contact Probation Violation Attorney Chad F Bank today at 401-573-2265 to schedule your FREE consultation. Our Rhode Island Criminal Defense office is conveniently located in Downtown Providence 02903 across from the Garrahy Courthouse.

Rhode Island Probation Violation Attorney

The Law Office of Chad F Bank
127 Dorrance St Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-573-2265